Love and Peace!

Name: Prince MelonChose this name for himself as he thought "Melon" was a "typical Earthie name" - his native name is physically impossible for an Earthie like me to say or write

Age: 150 Albirean years21 Earthie years

Gender: NonbinaryAll members of his species are genderless, they choose how to present on their own - he/they

Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Alien (Albirean)my friend Jemibuni and I have come up with a headcanon that that's what his species is called c:

DOB: September 12th

Birthplace: Albireo 7, CygnusJemibuni and I came up with that he's from a planet that orbits the double-star Albireo c:

Role: Guitarist, occassional vocals

Likes: The beauty of what this universe has to offer and exploring it, cheering people up, playing his happy lil' songs

Sad news, people who are close-minded, seeing their loved ones upset


Somewhere 434 light years away from our world, Photon, goddess of the cosmos created what she intended to be an ideal ambassador of love and peace throughout the galaxy. The goddess raised her little prince to be a strong-willed but loving leader of Albireo 7, a planet that orbited around the beautiful double-star whose glow he was born under.

Prince Melon is what's known as an Albirean, a race of peace-loving aliens that are characterized by their funky hair colors (usually cool colors like blue, green, and purple) and their antennae that are either heart or star shaped. These antennae are used as receptors for sounds very far away, often use to detect music from other planets while they travel in space - that's gonna be important.

One fateful day, he reached the constellation Monoceros and noticed something off - there was a dwarf planet he had never seen there before. Though unsure if there was going to be life, he decided to invesitigate. He was immediately met with a strange world full of bright, psychedelic colors, and teaming with flowers, plants, and mushrooms. Besides this being an absolutely dizzying eyesore, the prince noticed he couldn't properly interact with anything in this world - it was a digital illusion.

Suddenly, a strange young child appeared, and at first, Prince M chalked this up to being another figment of this chaos. However, the eager youngster made physical contact with him when they wanted to play with their new visitor.

"YOU'RE REAL?!" the prince exclaimed.

That's when things fell apart. The world glitched out of existence, revealing the lonely void for space. The child floated in silence and they too started glitching out. The prince was very concerned but gently reached out to comfort them.

"I don't... want to be alone... all I wanted was my own safe world of love and peace." the child whimpered.

Prince M slowly pieced together that the child was on their lonesome, living in a strange plain of existence between reality and virtuality and they created their little world to cope with that. He thought of a way to help and explained that he was on a mission to spread his own love and joy to real worlds. He didn't want to leave the child behind all by themself in space, so offered to let them travel with him and help out. Overjoyed, the child tightly hugged him with tears in their eyes. Prince M had no idea how long the kid was going to stick aroumd, but he knew he wanted to make sure they were safe. When he asked the child their name, he was quite puzzled by it being... "Really." Yeah, really Really. It makes more sense where they came from.

The two lived together on Albireo 7 for a little bit, before it was time to continue the journey. Together, Prince M and Really would spread love, peace, and music in the universe, forming a distinct groovy sound together. Throughout this period, they travelled to many planets.... though one day, one planet seemed kinda special. With his antennae, Prince M picked up the sound of beautiful music coming from the planet Earth - he was so entranced, that he and Really flew down to it to get a better listen.

It turned out the he heard W.B. Rose and Wacky singing! They two were met with bewilderment, but they offered sharing their own music calmed the singers' nerves. The prince explained to them about the mision he and his young companion were on. W.B. offered to let them both stay at his place as a hub until it was time for them to move onto their next destination... buuuut then they all formed a band and Earth sorta became their new home.

Prince M is seen as the most approachable member of the band. He's a happy-go-lucky dad-friend to everyone he meets. He's almost always in a cheery mood and tries to cheer others up when they're down. The best way to describe his is... adorkable. He can be quite a goofus, but nobody would want him any other way. He loves helping others out the best he can! Maybe also a bit of a pushover and is just... soft XD

Silly lil' headcanons

. His nose honks when booped! All heart-antennae Albireans have this trait - star-Albireans have smaller noses that squeak upon being booped. Nose boops mean a lot of things for Albireans, mostly as a friendly greeting or an expression of affection, or signalling each other in space.

. Albireans have stretchy limbs - this makes adjusting to gravitational changes easier.

. Albireans are sort of "distant cousin" species of a certain race of red-haired alien that also have stretchy limbs and a love for music (you get a cookie if you get the reference).

. Albireans are literally more predisposed to compassion than humans.

. Despite looking absolutely dinky and impracticle Prince M's guitar can produce a huge variety of sounds - it is made of alien technology after all!

His antennae can glow. This helps for navigation, or just being a good nightlight when tucking lil' Really in. They also flicker when he's suprised or really happy over something.

He travels with either his planetoid or a small saucer.


Dynamic with the others
Wacky is sort of the guy Melon goes to when he and Really wants to learn more about Earthie life. Sometimes Wacky is prone to feeling overwhelmed by... well, life, but Melon knows how to cheer him up and help him through it. They sorta have a nice lil' brotherly vibe with each other (honestly I'm kinda on the fence whether I see their dynamic as platonic or they're QPPS ;P)
W.B. Rose
Their dynamic is basically just a mutual feeling of "holy smokes, your vibe is cool, I want that." Melon downright adores W.B.'s melodious voice his glamourous sense of fashion, while W.B. admires Melon since... well, he's a cool hippie alien that plays beautifully on the guitar. Melon also admires W.B. for his sheer confidence - he noticed that Earthies weren't always so daring to just be themselves and enjoy every minute of it, so seeing one that is always good to see! Silly thing: Sometimes W.B. will say something reallll sassy at someone and Melon will be like "uhhh... could have worded that better!" and W.B. will be like "... yer just too nice, love."
When Melon first met Really, he had no idea how long they were going to stick around, but the more they travelled together, it became more clear that he basically adopted them. In short, Really is Melon's pride and joy. He very much views Really as his child and will do anything to keep them safe. They love to spend time together, whether it be on Earth with the others or out in space.
Melon and Ted get along due to both of them having an overall positive outlook on life, though Ted is a lot more low-key about it compared to Melon being outwardly joyous constantly... that, and Melon hasn't gone through a chaotic former life of course. He also admires Ted's immaculate songwriting abilities - after all, he made his own lyrics throughout his own music journey!