Age: 35
Gender: genderqueer afUses masculine terms, prefers not using a label - he/any
Orientation: Pansexual
DOB: November 28th
Birthplace: London, England
Role: Vocals, performer
Likes: Beauty and fashion, being the center of attention, decorating, gardening, listening to Ted's poetry, his personal spa time, ... himself XD
Dislikes: People who lick the boots of "the norm" and conform to it, judgmental assholes
CW: mentions of parental abuse and drug use
William Blake Rose was born in upper-class London and at just a few years old, it was apparent that he was super flamboyant. He was into dolls, makeup, and fashion. He was very heavily picked on as a kid for this and his parents.. were kind of awful about it too, being conservative assholes. They were overall shitty and neglectful to the point where he had to essentially be the one raising his younger brother, Jeff.
It was apparent that W.B. had an immensely stressful childhood, and by the time he was in his teenage years, he was already putting a load of responsibility onto himself and the abuse he received by his parents wasn't helping. However.. there was an escape...
As W.B. got older, he became quite the musical and theatre junkie and became very passionate about the arts. This also made him realize he was born to be on stage. He had a natural charisma and was knew how to make an impression. In high school, he was the star in the plays he performed in, then right after, he attended in a fine arts university.
During his time in university, he met and eventually dated a similarly ambitous young man who was international student from China (Wu Sheng.. I should come up with a HC for his name as that's his role on the stage, not a name ;P). They had a happy and healthy relatsionship where they mutually supported each other. W.B. thought this is what he needed... but ultimately their lives were going different paths so they mutually split up. As much as he wanted his former boyfriend a happy career, this absolutely broke him. The one good thing in his life was leaving his stomping grounds. As a result of losing his escape, W.B. turned to drugs and quick-and-easy flings.
After graduating from university, he came back to Jeff who was just starting to leave home. Jeff had his own ambitions in being a musician and was skilled in playing the guitar. Together, the brothers formed an underground 60s-esque rock duo called "Roseate Tones" and performed at local venues throughout the London area. Jeff, despite his upbringing, was thankfully didn't have the vices that his older brother did. W.B. was still coping with everything through unhealthier means. He had a series of dangerous mental outbursts and overall self-destructive behavior, and even when his relationships lasted a month at most, he still cheated due to his absolute lack of self-control.
One night at a bar, two acts were set to perform; Roseate Tones, and a mysterious skeletal poet. When they performed, it seemed like each party had mutual admiration for each others' work. Impressed by the skeleton's lyrical mastery, W.B. approached him to give him his praises. The skeleton thanked him and introduced himself as Ted-Pete, then complimented W.B. on his voice. After a nice, long chat, W.B. asked Ted if he wanted to work alongside him and Jeff - after all, they were all trying to build up a career, so why not work together? Needless to say, Ted agreed and it paid off! Ted became their official songwriter and Roseate Tones slowly but surely became more and more well-known.
In between all of W.B.'s self-serving partying, he was getting to know his new friend. Ted became a lot more open about his upbringing, his unhealthy coping mechanisms, and eventually his death. W.B. wanted to comfort his new friend whenever he would spiral into feeling like he didn't deserve his second chance, but in doing so, it made him realize he had his own issues. He was a hypersexual drug addict who got increasingly more selfish, which paralleled what caused his friend's downfall. This woke him up. This made him realize he needed to change things for the better. Needless to say, W.B. decided to go on a journey to clean up his act.
Jeff took notice that his brother was starting to mellow out. After a month in rehab, he was clean from the hard drugs, and he wasn't bringing random people home anymore. A few weeks into coming home, he was falling in love again.. but like... an actual love... a deep love for someone he grew clsoe to. That's right.. he was falling in love with Ted. They just clicked. They understood each other, they understood each other. They ere two artistic souls whose skills gelled perfectly. Finally, W.B. had a stable relationship again, and this time it was able to go the next big step... THEY GOT MARRIED!!!
After the wedding, things were changing even more. W.B., Ted, and Jeff moved toAmerica.where my AU takes place. My setting is based on New York because... that's what I know ;P. Though they inteded to take Roseate Tones across the pond, W.B. and Jeff were having their creative differents and it was putting strain on both their career and personal relationship. Ultimately, they decided to go on their own seperate ways before anything could esclate to a toxic degree (Ted stayed with W.B. of course). While W.B. had a decent time as a solo artist working with new friends he made in America, there was something... missing...
He met a young adult student, going by the nickname Wacky, who was aspiring to begin his own career and essentially became his mentor and then started to sing alongside him. More than that, the youngster became like another younger sibling to him. At the time, Wacky was feeling very insecure about his identity, both because he was still starting to transition his gender identity, and because he was insecure of his eccentrities. W.B. swore to help him medically transition and be a shoulder to cry on. He also helped boosted his confidence immensely and made him feel less ashamed of him.
Oh, and later, then two extraterrestrials literally landed in his backyard. Appearently W.B.'s melodious voice lead them to Earth, what a guy! Though shocked about what he witnessed, he was swiftly enamoured by the groovy vibes the duo had. He offered the two a roof to stay under on Earth for as long as they needed to stay... which turned into living with him and Wacky and Ted once they formed the Sunshine Lovers together.
W.B. today is seen as the dazzling singer who gives the band a ton of a flare. He always knows how to put on a show and plans absolutely everything out - though he can be quite a perfectionist, whether it be regarding his appearence, his outfits, or even music and choreography. He can be a very overdramatic prima donna, and if you upset him, he WILL be a sassy bitch at you. However, to anyone he is close to, he is an absolute sweetheart and constantly showers them with love and adoration. He's... kinda the mom-friend, haha! There's never a dull moment with him, as he is almost always on overdrive with his emotions and bursting with personality.
. Jeff is his brother in my AU!
. He has OCD and HPD
. His hair is naturally red (like, the bright red you see). His eyes are also naturually green, but he frequently wears colored contacts (mostly purple which matches his lipstick)
. Gardening is a hobby of his! He has a beautiful flower garden in the house's backyard. He mainly grew roses at first, but now he also grows flowwers that represent his bandmates.
. Another hobby of his collecting and restoring old dolls (fun fact - this was a nod to a real life friend of mine who I got to love W.B.)
. In an AU with a friend, he is the older cousin of a similar character from a very different rhyhm game ;D
. Headcanon voice - a mix between David Bowie and MIKA (why MIKA? uhhh blame overly specific injokes lol)
. The idea of him previously dating Wu Sheng is based on a dream where I drew crackship art of them :P
. The idea of W.B. previously being a cheating bastard came from a good friend's own headcanons about him where Hajime previous dated him. Thankfully they've made up and are good friends. They also have a son that W.B. wasn't aware of until years later :P